Sunday, January 3, 2010

Shame on Me!

I'm so ashamed of myself and not keeping up with my blog since we found out we were pregnant. I was totally into documenting this entire process from the moment we knew we were pregnant to when we delivered....and every waking moment in between. I made a few posts in the very early days (check them out under the 2009 archives if you need a good laugh) but other than that, I've been a real slacker.

We are expecting twins in the next six or seven weeks - two little girls - Laiten Ann and Maisen Lane. It has been an incredible ride so far...being pregnant allows you to look a life through a completely new lens. I can't wait for their arrival!

So, this is my New Year's resolution (for the record, I usually think making resolutions are ridiculous and just another way to disappoint yourself, but it seems fitting considering the time of year): To keep up with this blog and let all of our family and friends know how we are doing as we turn the page on another new chapter of our lives. Stay tuned!

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