Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mission Confidential

Keeping Baby Hornet a secret is getting really difficult. People at work are on to me. I'm sicker than a dog everyday and I can barely make the drive to work without contemplating, at least once, to turn around and go home. The dry heaving every morning is wearing me out, and I'm convinced that the acid in my stomach is eroding my bones. People are constantly asking me, "What's wrong?" "Why are you in a bad mood?" "Is everything OK (in their most serious and concerned voice)?" And I want to reply (with my raging hormones in tact), "Yes, everything's fine! I just spent the morning heaving over my toilet for the 7th consecutive day, had to put a conference call on mute in my office today to dunk my head into my recycling bin, and someone just drank the ginger ale I've been stock piling in the cooler. But EVERYTHING'S GREAT - thanks for asking!"

I know they are genuinely concerned, and I feel bad about being irritated about their inquiries, but it's really wearing on me. I guess that's what I get for being a friendly person on a regular basis. Moody people never get harassed. When they're having a bad day or fly under the radar in their office all day, no one thinks anything of it. So - all you nice, friendly girls out there thinking of having a baby - start acting bitchy now so that no one suspects anything later.

Leave me alone, people! How will I ever keep this a secret until September!?!?!?

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