Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Countdown Begins...

This week was a crazy one! It started with my weekly appointment with my OB, Dr. H. These appointments are usually pretty par for the fact, I take care of most of it before the nurse even calls me back. I've got the routine down: pee in a cup, weigh yourself (yikes!), the nurse takes your blood pressure, the doc measures your belly, listens to the heartbeats, and checks your cervix. You're in and out in no time. But this week was a little different. When Dr. H. was doing his normal exam, he said he could feel Baby A's head and that I had started to efface. Holy cow! I couldn't believe it. I knew with twins that they would probably come early, but I guess I wasn't expecting it to happen this soon.

The doc ordered me to strict bed rest to help Baby A stay in place, rather than continue to put pressure on her, which could possibly lead to a pre-term labor. Dr. H wants to try and get us to at least 35 weeks so that the girls are further developed - especially their lungs. So that means that we have three more weeks (I'm 32 weeks on Monday) before we can let Baby A get her party started. This is officially her first lesson in "hurry up and wait."

The other part of this story is that being on strict bed rest (actually just the mere thought of being on strict bed rest) has made me even more neurotic than I was before. I was feeling a little bit of panic. I still had so much to do - get car seats, crib mattresses, finish the nursery, clean the house - and that was just at home! I've also been working on a few projects at work that I needed to finish and I just wasn't sure how all of this was going to get done without being able to do it myself. (Control problems? Who me?) Luckily, Eddie is my polar opposite and he was able to think clearly through the mud. I made him a list of exactly what we needed for the nursery and the girls, and it literally took him two hours on Saturday to get everything done. He's amazing!

So now, the journey really begins. My mom and grandma arrive for my baby shower this week, and they'll help me put the finishing touches on everything to make sure that we are ready. And then, once everyone goes home after the weekend, we'll wait. Wait to welcome these sweet girls into the world.


  1. Ahhhhhh...Jessie, this is all so exciting! I can't BELIEVE you're that close! I mean, we might have matching birthdays for our babes...see you at Northside, huh?! You take it easy and give those girls a little more time in the oven, okay?

  2. You're such a fabulous, blogging Mama! This is so exciting! I'm so happy for you!
    ::Katelyn Jackson
