Friday, November 12, 2010

Time is Telling

Wow...I'm totally embarrassed that it's been almost 7 months since I've posted! I guess that says a lot. My last post was the night before I went back to work...and boy, have we been CRAZY since then! Lucky for us, Gigi stayed with the girls until they turned 8 months old, and then they were off to "school." L&M absolutely love school and have made all sorts of friends - Carter, Charlie, Lucas, Bryce and Kinsley. Not to mention they love their teachers Ms. Ragone and Ms. MacLean :) Having to get the girls to school each morning and pick them up by a certain time each night has whipped Eddie and me into shape. We've developed a pretty serious routine to keep all of the wheels greased around this place. Only problem is...I still haven't found time to fit in exercise...or losing those last 15 pounds of baby weight. Arrrggghhh.

The girls are growing fast; it's truly amazing. They are crawling and pulling themselves up, saying mama, dada, baba, and every now and then, we convince ourselves that they say I love you ;) L&M love playing with each other and have really developed their own little personalities. L is our diva. She'll spend most of her time in detention and talking her way out of speeding tickets and other such nonsense. M is our little love muffin - totally not interested in the drama and loves being a cuddle bunny. It will be fun to see if these traits stick with them as they grow up.

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