Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back to Reality

Tomorrow I go back to work. Granted, it's only part-time for the next four weeks, but eventually I'll be back to work full-time in May and another "new normal" will occur. I have mixed emotions about the entire situation; it's really bittersweet! My original plan was to take 12 weeks with the girls, but due to some crazy happenings at work (CCE's North American operations are merging with The Coca-Cola Company at the end of 2010), I've decided that returning to work sooner rather than later is probably a good idea.

I have been over the moon for the last eight weeks (some days better than others - don't get me wrong) at home with my girls. They have become my entire life, and it's hard to think about sharing my time and brain with anything other than them! Until our girls were born, our main priority (besides each other) was work. We're both blessed with amazing jobs for wonderful companies, and frankly, we both enjoy working. Shocking for most, I know! I thought about making the choice to stay at home with the twins, and I told Eddie that if I got halfway through my maternity leave and just couldn't bear the thought of going back to work, that we'd have to devise a plan to make it work (read: two incomes to one!) But, I actually found myself missing work (and checking my BlackBerry....and reading emails....and calling the office.)

It's going to be good to get back into the swing of things, but hard to adjust to our "new normal." Thankfully, the girls are in good hands (thanks Gigi!) and I've got an amazing support system at work. Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're excited about going back! Is your mom keeping the girls? For how long? That's great! Good luck with the "new normal"...I think it changes daily! haha...
