Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Six Weeks and Counting!

I can hardly believe that the girls are six weeks old already! It feels like the time has gone by so quickly (except for when time stands still at 3 a.m. and we can't get one or both of them to sleep!) Today I went for my six week follow up with Dr. H and I'm officially released to return to the land of the living. It's pretty exciting since I haven't been able to exercise since last fall. I can't wait to smell the gym. Isn't that disgusting? Disgusting but true! Especially since I have about 30 pounds to shake before summer :) I was a little sad when we left Dr. H's today...I spent a lot of time there the past nine months and got to be pretty close to Nurse S and Dr. H. I got used to the VIP treatment around there and now, I'm just another pap smear. Hahaha!

The girls are getting so big and are growing more everyday. They're both well over eight pounds (normal in singleton land...big in twinsland) and tall like their mommy. They've officially outgrown their newborn clothes and have moved into 0-3 months. Now we get to wear more than just sleepers and gowns!! They'll go out on their official debut this Saturday to watch Eddie get baptized into the Catholic church. It's going to be quite a big day for us! Until now, our pediatrician hasn't wanted us to expose the girls in public (flu season + germs + people that can't resist touching twins = YUCK) and Eddie and I are both pretty stoked to get back into the swing of things. For the last six weeks, we've been stuck inside this house (more like five months for me, since I was on bedrest) and we're busting at the seams to get out. Heck, we're already planning summer vacation trips! Right now, our big nights out consist of strapping the girls in their carseats, getting take out, and eating it in the parking lot. It sounds crazy, but we've actually really enjoyed it! We pile our food on the center console and catch up on each other's lives - how's work, have you talked to anyone lately, can you believe we're parents and so on. We've actually had some of the best convos we've had in a long time in that ol' Ford these past few weeks :)

Well, I can hear the Hornets stirring up from their nap, so I better sign off. Feels good to blog again! More to come...

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