Friday, February 26, 2010

Thought of the Day: When Does This Get Easier?!

Taking care of two new lives is not easy! I've never felt so overworked and helpless, all at the same time (if that even makes sense?!) The twins are actually pretty well behaved and I have tons of help with Eddie and my mom here to support me, but holy moly, being a mommy is taking a toll on me! Post-pardum, your hormones are still off kilter (will this ever stop?) and toss that in with trying to breastfeed twins, and you have a moltov cocktail - a real confidence killer. Somedays, they latch right on and go to town....and other days, they look at me like I'm a complete idiot. I actually think that if they could, they'd walk right into the kitchen to grab a bottle and feed themselves. Hahaha! So, I've pledged to take motherhood one day at a time. I'm going to stop trying to get "ahead of the game" (which at this point, I've deemed impossible), and try to take a deep breath every once and awhile.


  1. Amen sister! One day at a time...or for me, one 3(ish) hour block at a time (between feedings). We'll get the hang of this some day...and believe me girl, I'm thinking about you over there with double the trouble. Happy 2 week birthday to your girls!! Griffin's was on Wed. and I told my mom it has all just felt like ONE REALLY long day.

  2. I have to delurk to say congrats! Your babies are gorgeous. I have 2 year old twin boys, born on Feb 11. And it does get easier, every few weeks you'll stop and realize "oh, wait....this is easier than last week". And, I always noticed that things got easier right after I had a meltdown or felt like I could not possibly go on another day. [so if you feel any of those emotions, just go with it, it's totally normal]. Enjoy your babies and know that you are doing a great job! Congrats again.
