Monday, February 8, 2010

Delivery Day....Could It Be Near?!

Well, it looks like the day is finally here. We had a great visit with Dr. H today and he said that he's planning to deliver us THIS FRIDAY! After my usual checkup this morning (which consisted of a cervical exam that felt more like he was checking my tonsils) he asked Eddie and me to come down to his office. It felt so surreal. I was so overwhelmed with emotions; just eight months ago, we were sitting in his office and he was preparing us for the long journey ahead and what a challenge it presented to be pregnant with twins. It's so hard to believe that it has passed us by so quickly and that we're finally nearing the end of our journey. When I look back at the roller coaster of emotions we've felt - from excitement to frustration to being scared and anxious - we've learned so much about each other and even more about what we're capable of together. For any of you DMB fans, our journey makes me think of the song "You & Me." In fact, I think I've cried everytime I've heard it in the last two weeks.

On a much lighter note (after all, this blog is supposed to be about comic relief) here is a top-10 list of things I'll miss most about being pregnant with the Hornets Nest, in no particular order:

10. Being on bed rest. Yeah, it sucks now, but I can't help but think about how much I'll miss it when I'm running after two little gremlins, a dog, taking care of Eddie, and working full-time. Crosswords and soap operas don't sound so bad when you think about it that way.

9. Eating whatever I want. I've induldged in the most ridiculous of menu items for the last few months. Sonic BLT's, McDonalds Cheesburgers, Moe's Queso, Chick-Fil-A Milkshakes - you name it. It's been ridiculous. Ridiculously enjoyable.

8. Wearing sweats 24/7. Although there are days when I miss throwing on my cute BigStar jeans and a cardigan, wearing sweats is pretty awesome. However, that has not come without challenge. I've gained about 30 lbs. in the last 2.5 weeks (it's water weight, people) so even my sweats inventory has become slightly smaller (in more ways than one.) Variety is the spice of life, but not when you're carrying two six pound babies.

7. Working from home. This has been pretty fabulous. I've been so blessed to have supportive co-workers who have helped me to adjust to being out of the office and doing everything via BlackBerry and laptop. It's amazing how technology now allows you to do just about anything from anywhere. Thank goodness because I really needed something to stimulate my brain in between crosswords and soaps (see above) - hahaha!

6. Getting presents. Having babies is like having Christmas for an extended two months. My family and friends have been so incredibly generous, the Hornets Nest is beyond spoiled already. I will miss our nearly daily visits from the UPS man and our USPS mail lady, but I'm sure they are sick of Bowden barking his face off everytime they come to the door.

5. Embarking on something new everyday. Although I'm sure this won't stop with pregnancy, it has been really fun learning all sorts of new skills - including, but not limited to breastfeeding, changing a diaper, sponge bathing, installing car seats, and putting together two Pack and Plays.

4. Spending oodles of time with those I love the most. Also another perk from bedrest, I've been able to spend lots of time with Eddie and my family as we prepare for the girls' arrival. I've heard some great stories and got some fantastic advice from the most wonderful mothers I know - my Grandma (daughter of a twin, mother of twins) my mom and aunts, and some close friends.

3. Feeling the girls move and kick. After months of getting wrapped up in every move they make in there, it will be strange having a normal belly (Lord - please tell me it will be normal once again) with normal internal organs again. I wonder if I'll have phantom movements in there from now on.

2. Having an excuse to be moody. While I think I've done a decent job (I do have double the hormones in there, people) at maintaining a good balance, there have been (a handful of) times where I've been in meltdown mode. And it's kind of nice to have a good excuse to fly off the handle every now and again.

1. Being selfish. Now, I don't mean this in a bad way. It's just that for the last nine months, I'm the only one who has really been directly connected with the girls (literally). I feel like they're somehow linked into my thoughts and feelings, and now, I'll have to share them with the world. On the flipside, sometimes I wish I could escape my own head...surely they're ready by now, too :)

So, please send some positive thoughts and prayers our way as we turn the page - closing one chapter and beginning the next. We'll be posting updates here and on Facebook later this week!

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting Jessi and I loved this post...all very valid feelings/thoughts! Lots of prayers coming your way...Can't wait to chat and compare notes once all of the little ones are here!!
